General Commonwealth Courts

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There are twelve General Commonwealth Courts, each court is equal:

  • - The General Commonwealth Court in Greece
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in the United Kingdom
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in Norway
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in China
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in India
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in the Russian Federation
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in Australia
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in Canada
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in Belize
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in Nigeria
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in Kenya
  • - The General Commonwealth Court in South Africa

The Court hears cases in first instance, which are not referred to any of the five highest court of the Commonwealth, or a special court. Also deals with appeals against decisions (of first instance) by the specialised courts.

Each General Court has 7 Judges, nominated by highest court in each member nation and confirmed by non-objection vote of President of the Commonwealth.

The current number of General Courts is twelve, but potentially can increase to twenty courts.