Constitution of the British Commonwealth

Constitution of the British Commonwealth

Article 1 (Peoples' Declaration)

We, the people of the Commonwealth, declare that for our prosperity and for our happiness, to promote general welfare and enable cohesive joint cooperation and collaboration between us for mutual benefit, sustainable development and in common interest, while preserving and strengthening the sovereignty and voice of each individual member nation, for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for our peoples’ with the goal of constructing a new society.

Article 2 (New Society)

To meet our declaration, this constitution embodies and carries an ideology of new society based on creativity (the Creative Society) which in essence means a society which creates value sustainably and for every human being, as opposed to a group unsustainably consuming value at cost of another group.

A Creative Society prioritises high spiritual and moral aspirations of a human being, humanness, virtue, mutual respect and strengthening of friendship to improve life for society as a whole.

The 20 basic principles of what makes a Creative Society are the Articles 4 to 23.

Article 3 (Mechanism)

To reinforce, protect and advance this constitution and its declared goal, and to enable the reformation of all elements of society in the Commonwealth (and beyond) from the economic system to politics and how we engage with each other on all levels, we need a mechanism (a framework) to which effect this constitution incorporates in entirety the Act on the Commonwealth Framework as basic law.

The Commonwealth Framework establishes the Union State of British Commonwealth, which we adopt as our sovereign political form of union, and the core principles of this are Articles 24 to 45.


Article 4

Principle 1: This constitution and the will of the people of the Commonwealth is about moving closer to a self-governing society where the people decide their future, and the responsibility for society as a whole, its development, living conditions and harmonious format, lies with each human being.

Article 5

Principle 2: The people will make the peoples’ law via a body known as the Supreme Congress of British Commonwealth in protection of our (everyone’s) right to participate in the management of the affairs of society and to adoption of laws that affect us as a whole or any individual human being, thus concerning socially important and significant issues that affect the quality of a human being’s life.

Article 6

Principle 3: This constitution reflects global aspirations of unity, on the simple basis that humanity is one big family, and a human being is the fundamental unit of society, whether that’s in reference to the Commonwealth, its member nations or the human civilisation as a whole.

Article 7

Principle 4: All should aim to encourage the formation of cultural and social behavior of a human being based on creative thinking that will expand the boundaries of perception and enable full realisation of potential mentally and spiritually.

Article 8

Principle 5: Science and technology should be aimed exclusively at improving the quality of human life.

Article 9

Principle 6: The human life is of the highest value. Nothing else can ever be more valuable.

Article 10

Principle 7: The security of every human being and society as a whole from any kind of threats, including threats that are emergency situations or climate change, should be dealt by unified global cooperation underpinned by an understanding that the life of any human being has to be protected as one's own.

Article 11

Principle 8: Every human being is entitled to his freedom and rights on the basis that such do not violate the rights and freedoms of others.

Article 12

Principle 9: Freedom of expression, originality and uniqueness of each human being should be cultivated on all levels as a cornerstone of a healthy society.

Article 13

Principle 10: Society should guarantee the value of each human's life. No one and nothing in society has the right to create threats to the life and freedoms of a human being.

Article 14

Principle 11: All people are born free and equal. Everyone has the right to choose their life.

Article 15

Principle 12: Propaganda of any type or form of violence must be prohibited, and any form of division, abuse, aggression, and anti-humane manifestations must be condemned, denounced and prohibited.

Article 16

Principle 13: Every human being has the right to comprehensive development and personal fulfillment, including the right of guaranteed employment if he or she so desires with equal pay and terms for all.

Article 17

Principle 14: Society should be able to guarantee economic stability, that is the absence of economic crises and the financial prosperity for everyone with protected rights to private property and income.

Article 18

Principle 15: Education should be equally accessible to all and cultivate moral values of benefit to self and society creating the conditions and expanding opportunities for anyone to implement his or her creative abilities and talents for the benefit of society as a whole.

Article 19

Principle 16: Since natural resources belong to the human civilisation as a whole the inherent economic benefit of these should be fairly distributed among all people preventing any irrational use.

Article 20

Principle 17: Society should be built in such a way that every human being always has access to and is guaranteed provision of essential life necessities like food, housing and medical care.

Article 21

Principle 18: Mass media should reflect information truthfully, openly, and honestly. The people have the right to receive reliable and transparent information on all public matters.

Article 22

Principle 19: Culture and cultural heritage is not and cannot be limited by any principles, rules and laws.

Article 23

Principle 20: Everyone has an obligation to themselves and society as a whole to cultivate moral values consistent with unity and support for each other in the context of a happy and prosperous world.


Article 24

Our Union State of British Commonwealth is a direct congressional constitutional Dominion.

Article 25

This form of government means we are a direct congressional democracy.

This is a synergy of direct and representative democracy, a combination of people deciding and legislating their own future alongside a large number of independent representatives who day-to-day politically bargain, debate and legislate on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth.

Article 26

Our union state is made of the aforementioned Supreme Congress, our union government that is accountable to it, an independent judiciary to both known as the Commonwealth Courts, our sovereign trustees’ known as Commonwealth Trustees’ to whom our union state is accountable and those member nations that elect to be constitutional commonwealths existing in parallel but integrated to the former.

Article 27

The Commonwealth Crown is the Union State in all its aspects of functions of the union government and civil service, judiciary, sovereign trustees’ and of the Supreme Congress within the jurisprudence of the Commonwealth, and it is the legal embodiment of executive, legislative and judicial authority meaning that The Commonwealth Crown is the de-facto Head of the Commonwealth.

Article 28

This form of government is a Dominion meaning that our union state is a permanent Dominion of its sole creator and sole financier, The Commonwealth Crown (Head of the Commonwealth) and exists under the unifying sovereignty of The Crown (Sovereign of the Commonwealth).

The British Crown Canon (Commonwealth Framework) elaborates on the relationships.

Article 29

The head of state of our union state and head of government of our union government shall be the individual HSH Michail Roerich (The Duke of Commonwealth) aka The Commonwealth Crown.

The (sole) Duke, our leader since his relevant activities began in 2016, has envisioned and created the Commonwealth Framework, is the first President of the Commonwealth with hereditary tenure, and who can appoint his successor, in return for bearing the respective responsibilities and for significant personal sacrifices and dedication made for the benefit of society and the people of the Commonwealth.

Article 30

Member nations that elect to be constitutional commonwealths are known as independent Commonwealth statehoods or Commonwealth States and are subject to the Realm Framework Agreement of 2022 that was included in the British Crown Canon. Commonwealth States are permanent Dominions of The Commonwealth Crown with unifying sovereignty of The Crown.


Article 31

As part of our union state, we vest powers and the peoples’ sovereignty on the Council of Commonwealth Trustees’ to act in our trust and oversee the work of the union state.

Article 32

The President of the Commonwealth is also the first and chairing trustee. The Commonwealth Trustees' Agreement (Commonwealth Framework) establishes the peoples’ sovereignty.

Article 33

Our sovereign trustees’ shall write the Commonwealth Legislatory Will (Commonwealth Framework) to attempt to reflect the true desires of the people of the Commonwealth on the types, breadth and focus of issues that matter to the people which need debate and legislatory action, and this should serve as a strong guideline in the proceedings of the Supreme Congress.

Article 34

Commonwealth Trustees’ act on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth, and are lifetime signatories to the Commonwealth Trustees’ Agreement having undertaken an obligation to the people to act in trust. Each trustee comes from a different country of the world in representation of world views.


Article 35

As part of our union state, we vest powers and supremacy on the Supreme Congress of British Commonwealth to be the supreme legal authority to create and end any primary law, meaning directly our union law, and indirectly the peoples’ law.

Article 36

The Supreme Congress supremacy status is by authority of The Commonwealth Crown.

Article 37

The Supreme Congress is tricameral and shall consist of a Commonwealth Senate, the member nation assemblies of the House of Committees, as well as of part of peerage that is the House of Lords. The Commonwealth Collaborative Charta, the General Charter of the House and the Commonwealth Lords Rights Pact, such part of Commonwealth Framework, regulate proceedings in such chambers.

Article 38

No member nation, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Supreme Congress.

Article 39

The non-voting officers of the Supreme Congress are always appointed or removed by the Commonwealth Trustees’ simple majority decision.

Article 40

Commonwealth congressional bodies and its officers are always established, dissolved, appointed or removed by the Commonwealth Trustees’ simple majority decision.

Article 41

All congressional business takes place within what’s known as a 2-year Commonwealth Congress, meaning a congress of, Senate Hearings and Audiences, House Sessions, Lords Meetings, and more rare occurrences like the Commonwealth Grand Summit. Each Commonwealth Congress of Members, Senators and Lords is assembled at least once in every calendar year, starting each on the first Monday of the year. The initial Commonwealth Congress began on January 25, 2021.


Article 42

As part of our union state, we vest powers on the Office of the President and his Commonwealth Cabinet to enforce the rule of law and be the sole executive authority (union government) that builds our civil service acting on our behalf in line with our will.

Article 43

As part of our union state, we vest powers on the Commonwealth Courts (judges and justices) to uphold the rule of law and be the sole judiciary authority making case law known as common law that is part of primary legislation, but we note that the courts cannot overrule union law or basic law.

Article 44

The union government may establish the legalities of how the Commonwealth Courts operate but under no circumstance may remove its independence. Commonwealth judges and justices may appeal to our sovereign Trustees’ if this happens and such may veto those actions of the union government.

Article 45

The Commonwealth Crown has funded in full the union state. This is known as the Commonwealth Budget (Commonwealth Framework) which was initially stated as organised by the Athens Council and currently managed by HSH Treasury on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth.


Article 46

Primary legislation, secondary legislation, law in trust and basic law are all Commonwealth Law.

Article 47

Union law (statute of commonwealth) starts as bill introduced in the House of Committees. When a bill has been agreed by both Houses and Senate, and has been given Royal Assent by the Sovereign of Commonwealth, it becomes an Act of Commonwealth that is considered binding international law in all member nations of the British Commonwealth and does not require further ratification.

Article 48

Peoples’ law (statute of people) starts as motion from the public, either in the form of request for Recommendation or sponsored Directive. Directives that have been passed by a single member nation may be voted upon by all the citizens of the Commonwealth and made into an Act of Supreme Congress. Peoples’ law is voted on and agreed upon by the citizens of the Commonwealth, while the Supreme Congress and the union government may consider it, they cannot block such law.

Article 49

Taken together, Acts of Commonwealth make what is known as Commonwealth Statute Law. Taken together, the Recommendations, the Directives and the Acts of Supreme Congress make what is known as Peoples’ Statute Law. Peoples’ Statute Law is the peoples’ right to legislate in a self-governing society. An Act of Commonwealth shall prevail and be superior legislation over any national member nation legislation and common law. Peoples’ law is superior to both and shall always prevail.

Article 50

Legislative acts are adopted following one of the legislative procedures set out in the Commonwealth Framework. Primary legislation is passed by the Supreme Congress or the Commonwealth Courts. Secondary legislation can only be created under powers given by basic law or primary law. Basic law provides for the British Commonwealth function of rule of law.

Article 51

Realm law and global law are known as secondary legislation. Global law (statute of Global Britain) is ceremonially and nominally made law in the British Commonwealth, but the work to create such law (core text) is integrated from work made in the United Kingdom within the remit of the Global Britain Framework. Realm law is law created by a member nation that is also a Commonwealth State.

Article 52

Law in trust is made of both primary and secondary law.

Article 53

The Commonwealth Framework gives powers and authority to our union government to act in trust in our name to create policy and decisions known as primary law in trust that in turn creates the framework that allows for the peoples’ law to be created. These are the Commonwealth Resolutions, Trade Resolutions and Civil Service Resolutions as well as Commonwealth Directives.

Article 54

Secondary law in trust enables the work and oversight of the union government. An opinion of the Lords of Commonwealth is an independent counterbalancing legislative mechanism of oversight available to the public. A Commonwealth Statutory Instrument is used by the union government to provide practical measures that enable basic and primary law to be enforced and operated in daily life.


Article 55

Public servants of the British Commonwealth, including those that work in the Commonwealth Civil Service shall receive fair compensation for their services as per the Commonwealth Budget. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at a session of the Supreme Congress or any official building of the British Commonwealth including embassies, and in going to and returning from the same, and for any speech or debate they shall not be questioned in any other place. They shall not hold a conflicting office in a member nation, during the time for which he or she is elected or appointed, unless falls into defined exceptions.

Article 56

Where said constitution and all that is incorporated to it refers to a fractional vote, we round down not up, of a single vote in case of a decimal result.

Article 57

This constitution and all that is incorporated to it, and all Commonwealth Law with exception only to secondary legislation, and all further actions made in accordance to such, including treaties, under the authority of The Commonwealth Crown, are considered the law of the land enforceable by our union government, and all Commonwealth judges and justices shall be bound thereby, any other legislation to the contrary notwithstanding.

Article 58

All citizens of enumerated states that follow (list potentially may be expanded to include all globally existing states) automatically have rights under this constitution and form the electorate (the people and the citizens of the Commonwealth and/or British Commonwealth) of the Union State of British Commonwealth, and such are automatically eligible to be citizens of our union state. Citizenship is not mutually exclusive. First/sole citizenship may be granted by the union state on executive authority.

Member nations of the British Commonwealth: Antigua and Barbuda (AG), Australia (AU), The Bahamas (BS), Bangladesh (BD), Barbados (BB), Belize (BZ), Botswana (BW), Ukraine/British Ukraine (UA), Brunei (BN), Cameroon (CM), Canada (CA), China (CN), Cyprus (CY), Dominica (DM), Eswatini (SZ), Fiji (FJ), The Gambia (GM), Gabon (GA), Ghana (GH), Greece (GR), Grenada (GD), Guyana (GY), India (IN), Jamaica (JM), Kenya (KE), Kiribati (KI), Lesotho (LS), Malawi (MW), Malaysia (MY), Maldives (MV), Malta (MT), Mauritius (MU), Mozambique (MZ), Namibia (NA), Nauru (NR), New Zealand (NZ), Nigeria (NG), Pakistan (PK), Papua New Guinea (PG), Russian Federation (RU), Rwanda (RW), Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN), Saint Lucia (LC), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC), Samoa (WS), Seychelles (SC), Sierra Leone (SL), Singapore (SG), Solomon Islands (SB), South Africa (ZA), Sri Lanka (LK), Tanzania (TZ), Togo (TG), Tonga (TO), Trinidad and Tobago (TT), Tuvalu (TV), Uganda (UG), United Kingdom (GB), Vanuatu (VU), Zambia (ZM).

Article 59

This constitution drafted in December 2022 replaced its preceding version drafted in January 2021 titled the Constitution of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Article 60

Any citizen of the Union State of British Commonwealth has the right to propose amendments to this constitution which can be voted on and ratified by a Commonwealth Grand Summit, and if so, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as if an original part of this constitution, provided that no amendment is vetoed by not less than 3% of citizens.

Article 61

This constitution has been drafted by HSH The Duke of Commonwealth and in convention written and enacted in trust by the Commonwealth Trustees’ on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth whom in witness whereof have hereunto subscribed their names, such not requiring ratification as acknowledgement by each citizen to establish such as his or her constitution happens at the point where such becomes a lawful citizen of the Union State of British Commonwealth.