10 million Union Passports issued by the Union Government

Press Release

Published December 20, 2023

LONDON, December 20, 2023 - The Union State of British Commonwealth announces that it has issued a Union Passport of the British Commonwealth to the 10th million citizen of the Union State. This citizen, a Kenyan national, is James Abouka, and upon passport collection stated The unique options that the Union Passport provides is a necessary tool for the Africa of today. This tool can help in all sort of dealings and I am very excited about what the British Commonwealth can bring to Africa.

The Union Passport of British Commonwealth provides citizenship in the union to eligible individuals as per the Commonwealth Citizenship Act of 2022.

The British Commonwealth does not provide a new nationality – all individuals holding a valid Union Passport retain their national passport(s) and identities.

Union Passports are issued by the Union Department of Internal Affairs and printed by De La Rue plc.

You should contact your local embassy or Union Government official of the British Commonwealth to inquire about the appropriate passport holder rights, responsibilities and travel ability that may be applicable to you in a particular state.

This press release was published by udia.gov.bc on behalf of Union Department of Internal Affairs

Direct link:  https://britishcommonwealth.uk/global/press/udia-20-12-2023-10-million-union-passports-issued-by-the-union-government