Rt. Rev. Lord High Spiritual Archbishop of Artsyz and Commonwealth

Victor Bykov

Archbishop Victor, in the world Bykov Vladislav Olegovich, I was born on April 20, 1983 in Tambov, coming from a family of workers.

On May 30, 1983 I was baptized in the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tambov.

I graduated high school and had completed courses at “New Economical Technicum” professional specialization – chef of 4th category, in 2000 year.

For military service I wasn’t conscripted for health reasons.

From 1998 to 2000 I was chorister of Hierarchal Choir and baked prosphora in the Cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration in Tambov.

From December 2000 to 2001 – chef at the Diocesan Administration, Khust.

On September 5th, 2002, with the blessing of His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, I joined the brotherhood of St. Panteleimon male monastery in Odessa.

On January 2, 2003, I was tonsured to the minor schema with the name Victor in honor of the martyr Victor of Damascus (24 of November new style), by Metropolitan Agafangel.

On January 8, 2003, on the day of celebration The Day of the Holy Family, during the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity (Greek) church in Odessa, I was ordained a hierodeacon, by Metropolitan Agafangel.

On November 30, 2003, at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Dormition Cathedral, Odessa, by Metropolitan Agafangel, I was ordained to the dignity of hieromonk and was awarded the right to wear a loincloth.

On February 25, 2004, by the decree of Metropolitan Agafangel, I was blessed with obedience of church treasurer and was appointed at the position of the Dean of St. Panteleimon male monastery in Odessa.

On March 15, 2004, on the day of celebration of the Icon of Our Lady of Sovereign (Derzhavnaya), during the Divine Liturgy at the St. Panteleimon monastery, Odessa, by the Metropolitan Agafangel I was awarded the right to wear a pectoral cross.

Graduated from the Theological Seminary of Odessa in 2004.

At 2005 year, to the feast of Holy Easter, by His Beautitude Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv and Whole the Ukraine I was raised to the rank of hegumen and awarded the right to wear a Mace.

From 2005 to 2008 – editor-in-chief of the newspaper “ Panteleimon sheet”

Graduated from the Kiev National University of T.Shevchenko, the faculty of history in 2006.

On February 10, 2006, by His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, by His Beautitude Volodymyr, Metropolitan of Kyiv and Whole the Ukraine, was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite.

By the decree of the Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Agafangel, from January 25, 2007, according to the resolution of the Holy Synod of the UOC ( Journal N7 dated January 24, 2007) I was appointed abbot of Protection of the Mother of God and Balta St. Theodosius Monastery.

By the decree of the Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Agafangel, from July 26, 2007, I was appointed the Dean of churches of Balta district.

By the decree of the Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Agafangel, from July 26, 2007, I was appointed acting Abbot of the Cathedral in Balta.

By the decree of the Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Agafangel, from May 12, 2008, according to the Holy Synod of UOC ( Journal of the session of the Holy Synod N44 dated May 8, 2008) I was appointed abbot of St. Elijah’s male Monastery in Odessa.

By the decree of the Holy Synod of UOC dated July 16, 2008 ( Journal N53) I was included in the Commission on the Canonization of Saints of the Holy Synod of the UOC.

On October 20, 2009, by His Beautitude Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv and Whole the Ukraine, I was awarded the honour of wearing the second cross with decorations.

Approved by Academic Council of Odessa Theological Seminary I was elected an honorary member of OTS.

By the decree of the Holy Synod of Russian Orthodox Church (Journal N31 dated March 22, 2011) I was included in the Working Group of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia on the relocation of shrines.

By the decree of His Beautitude Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv and Whole the Ukraine N532 dated April 20, 2011, I was appointed the head of the “ Commission on the relocation of shrines” under the commission of the Synod UOC for the Canonization of Saints, membership of the commission and bringing sacred items to Russian Orthodox Church.

September 3, 2014 I received Ukrainian citizenship.

By the decree of the Holy Synod UOC, dated September 16, 2014, was appointed Bishop of Artsyz and Vicar of Odessa eparchy.

September 28, 2014, in the cathedral church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “ Life-giving Source” of the Patriarchal monastery of Holy Dormition ,in Odessa, was nominated as Bishop of Artsyz, Vicar of Odessa eparchy.

September 29, 2014, in the cathedral church of Holy Dormition male monastery, at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy was the consecration of Bishop of Artsyz. The consecration was performed by His Beautitude Metropolitan of Kyiv and whole the Ukraine, Onufry along with other bishops.

In 2017, defended a thesis “ Christian teaching about spiritual guidance and the phenomenom of Russian staretsdom” at the University of Presov (Slovak Republic), PhD in Theology.

By the decree of the Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Agafangel, from July 2, 2019, was appointed abbot of Patriarchal male monastery of Holy Dormition with leaving the post of Abbot at St.Elijah’s male monastery.

September 29,2019 by the decree of the Metropolitan of Kyiv and whole the Ukraine , Onufry, was raised to the dignity of Archbishop.

By the decree of the Holy Synod UOC ,dated November 23, 2022, was appointed Chairman of the Commission for the renewal of the myrh-boiling in Ukraine at the Holy Synod UOC.

In January 12, 2023, I was appointed as Lord High Spiritual by His Highness The Duke of Commonwealth.

At the suggestion of His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, was awarded:

Order of Prince St.Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles, 2 degree.

Order of St. George the Victorious

Order of St. Theodosius of Chernihiv

Order of Cossacks Glory 1 degree

Commemorative medal 1020th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia

Blessed Diplomas:

Of His Beautitude Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv and whole the Ukraine

Of His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail

The cross on the ribbon of St.Paul and the medal from His Eminence Metropolitan Panteleimon of Veria,Nauru and Kambani

You may contact the person at email spiritual.secretariat@scongress.uk