Her Excellency Lady Margo Roerich was born on March 16, 2003, and is an expert on happiness, is an aspiring economist and a political advocate.
Margo is a well-read individual, finished school and started programming at age 14, and began her journey to spiritual development at age 12 by meditating. She is obtaining a bachelor in international business from the Higher School of Economics.
As of 2022, she is a Trustee for the British Commonwealth, on behalf of the people of the Russian Federation, bringing her expertise on attaining happiness and other items.
Lady Roerich is the general director of the Holistic Development Bureau – a public body of the Commonwealth based in Greece, and head programmer of AISA (Artificial Intelligence for Self-Awareness).
As of 2024, she was appointed Deputy Governor for Regulation and Markets at the Bank of Commonwealth.
She also holds a directorship in the Commonwealth Foundation, and is the Lady High Treasurer of Commonwealth. Previously was a researcher at the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing working on artificial intelligence and has won the young developer award.
Margo has an interest in psychology, esoteric knowledge, automated reasoning and wealth management. Runs a blog on happiness.
You may contact the person at email treasurer@commonwealth.gr